Companion Book- Wings of Fire – Legends – Darkstalker

-Table of Contents-

– A Guide to the Dragons of Pyrrhia

– Time Period

– Characters

– Animus Dragons

– Literary Analysis Essay

– Events

– Darkstalker’s spells

– Quotes

– Citations
Image result for wings of fire

Image result for wings of fire darkstalker map

A Guide To The Dragons Of Pyrrhia

Image result for wings of fire nightwings


Description: Purplish-black scales and scattered silver scales on the underside of their wings, like a night sky full of stars; forked black tongues

Abilities: Can breathe fire and disappear into dark shadows; some hatch with the power to read minds or see the future(or, very rarely, both)

Queen: Queen Vigilance

Known Animus Dragons: None

Image result for wings of fire mudwings


Description: Thick, armored brown scales, sometimes with amber and gold underscales; large, flat heads with nostrils on top of the snout

Abilities: Can breathe fire (if warm enough), hold their breath for up to an hour, blend into large mud puddles; usually very strong

Queen: Queen Crane

Known Animus Dragons: None

Image result for wings of fire sandwings


Description: Pale gold or white scales the color of desert sand; poisonous barbed tail, forked black tongues

Abilities: Can survive a long time without water, poison enemies with the tips of their tails like scorpions, bury themselves for camouflage in the desert sand, breathe fire

Queen: Queen Scorpion

Known Animus Dragons: Jerboa

(whereabouts unknown)

Image result for Wings of fire skywings


Description: Red-gold or orange scales, enormous wings

Abilities: Powerful fighters and fliers; can breathe fire

Queen: Queen Carmine

Known Animus Dragons: None

Image result for Wings of fire seawings


Description: Blue or green or aquamarine scales; webs between their claws; gills on their necks; glow-in-the-dark stripes on their tails/snouts/underbellies

Abilities: Can breathe underwater, see in the dark, create huge waves with one splash of their powerful tails; excellent swimmers

Queen: Queen Lagoon

Known Animus Dragons: Albatross, brother to the queen

Image result for wings of fire rainwings


Description: Scales constantly shift colors, usually bright like birds of paradise; prehensile tails

Abilities: Can camouflage their scales to blend into their surroundings; shoot a deadly venom from their fangs

Queen: Queen Anaconda

Known Animus Dragons: None

Image result for wings of fire icewings


Description: Silvery scales like the moon or pale blue like ice; ridge claws to grip the ice, forked blue tongues; tails narrow to whip-thin end

Abilities: Can withstand subzero temperatures and bright light; exhale a deadly freezing frostbreath

Queen: Queen Diamond

Known Animus Dragons: Queen Diamond and her son, Prince Arctic


-Time Period-


“The events of this book take place in Pyrrhia’s shrouded past, more than two thousand years before the War of Sandwing Succession and the events of The Dragonet Prophecy.”

“Long before the Sandwing war, lifetimes before the Dragonet Prophecy …  darkness is born”

One of the reasons that the book Darkstalker is really interesting is the time in which it takes place. The mains Wings of Fire series is about completely different characters, but the new antagonist turns out to be Darkstalker, after sleeping for thousands of years in a mountain. This is why this book is connected to the main series. Darkstalker is clever, and is trying to trick the main characters of the present time to find his scroll and set him free with it. Of course, all the dragons know the legends about Darkstalker…but that part of the past  is so murky and unknown that no one knows for sure…

That’s why this book was written. It provides all the answers to questions about the past with Darkstalker, and reveals how Darkstalker truly is so that the reader can know his true self – and his past. The book also is partly about the Royal SeaWing Massacre, a very famous event in the history of Pyrrhia which the main series touched on a bit, but never expanded on, or explained really what happened. Partially because the dragons of that time didn’t know for sure.

The time period in Darkstalker doesn’t seem too different than from the normal books. It doesn’t seem to be too much different, besides minor differences, like the RainWings were actually a formidable tribe and weren’t lazy, and the IceWings had animus dragons and held the gifting ceremonies, and the NightWings lived on a completely different part of the continent than they do now. Some long term effects are how the IceWings and NightWings still despise each other (the events in Darkstalker causing this and leading up to it), and are still in their own ‘war’- and will be in a real one soon.



Wings of Fire: Darkstalker-Legends-

Darkstalker- Darkstalker is the main character of this book, hence the name, Darkstalker. Darkstalker’s an IceWing NightWing hybrid, and is an animus dragon, plus a mind reader and a seer because he was born under three moons. This makes him one of the most powerful dragons in Pyrrhia. His father is bitter IceWing animus who hates him named Arctic, and his mother is a rebellious NightWing named Foeslayer, who loves him. Being raised by them, he hated Arctic but loved Foeslayer and his sister, Whiteout. In his visions at the beginning of the book, he had seen his future mate, who was a powerful seer named Clearsight, who he knew was waiting for him too. He longed for the day that they finally met, and then his power grew as he started to want more and more of it. Darkstalker’s a funny, clever, sarcastic and was a generally nice dragon-He always wanted to please Clearsight and make her happy, as well as his scared animus SeaWing his friend, Fathom. But sometimes he took it a step too far. To convince Clearsight that he wasn’t going to become evil like some of the paths in their futures told, he made a scroll and put all of his animus power in it to preserve his soul, and he could still use his power by writing what he wanted to enchant in to the scroll. But by doing so, he had no limit to his power, and kept longing for more and more of it. He eventually enchanted his scales to become invulnerable, and later took it a step further by enchanting himself to become immortal. Clearsight always reminded him about the dark paths in their future and was constantly worrying about them, getting in his way somewhat. Darkstalker hid the spells that he knew she wouldn’t like from her, and by thinking it would make her happier, enchanted some earrings for her to push back the dark visions and make her stop worrying about them. He didn’t seem to think that this was manipulating her or was wrong at all. He slowly grows more power hungry all the time, and also wants revenge on his father for his poor treatment. He also blames him for the loss of their mother. There was an attempted assassination by the Queen of the NightWings, Queen Vigilance. He wanted to take revenge on her too, so he planned to kill her and take the throne for himself. He wanted to rule the whole tribe, and eventually rule the entire continent. He wanted to be feared and respected. And he was, for a moment, when he took his revenge on his father. He enchanted his father to obey his every command, and forced him to slice open his own stomach in front of the entire NightWing tribe. He still wasn’t satisfied. Before he could kill Queen vigilance though, Fathom and Clearsight created a plan and Fathom enchanted a bracelet so that whoever wore it would be put to sleep forever unless it came off. Darkstalker was furious when he figured out their plan, right before he fell asleep and was buried deep inside a mountain.

Clearsight- Clearsight is Darkstalker’s mate, and they both loved each other very much-but it was hard for Clearsight to think positively and keep her faith in Darkstalker when so many of the different paths that they could take in the future were dark and ominous, where Darkstalker was corrupted by his own power. They had both seen each other in their visions, and had been waiting patiently for the day that they would meet. She was a kind, curious dragon, always wanting to know more and feeling like she always had to do something. Clearsight had a powerful gift- she was a seer, but she had the ability see into the future at will, and was able to see many different paths with different possible outcomes, which is not normal for seers. She studied which certain events in that path would affect it, and make it the way it was. She tried so hard to prevent the dark paths from coming true, but her love for Darkstalker slightly held her back, and eventually, there was nothing she could do to stop them, besides putting him to sleep with Fathom and leaving him there, preventing him from finishing any of his plans to rule the whole tribe, and eventually the whole continent. Of course, she was very sad, and felt bad that this had happened to them and that there was nothing that she could’ve done. She was sorry that that was how it had to end for them, and how the dark paths had won over. She just had to accept it.

Fathom- Fathom was a very jittery and nervous SeaWing, although he was an animus. His Grandfather, Albatross, had been an animus, but went crazy and turned evil because of his power. This resulted in the event called the Royal SeaWing Massacre. Albatross murdered the SeaWing Queen, Queen Lagoon(who was also his sister), and many other dragons as his searched for one in particular- Fathom. Fathom and his best friend Indigo ran off and hid, as they guessed that Albatross was after him. When Albatross found them, Indigo attacked him and right as Albatross was enchanting some spears, Fathom contradicted him and enchanted the spears to kill him. As the spears plunged into Albatross, he slit a claw across Indigo’s throat, and she almost bled to death, but he saved her life by enchanting her pearl necklace to heal her. After that, the rest of the Seawing tribe treated him like he was a terrifying, horrible dragon, and he was told he could never be around Indigo anymore because of his power. Soon after this, Fathom was invited by the NightWings to come to their tribe to help with the NightWing animus, Darkstalker. Indigo was sent with him, but only as a guard. He couldn’t interact with her too much, however much both of them wanted to. Fathom soon became good friends with Darkstalker and Clearsight, but he vowed not to use his power ever again. He constantly worried, and was nervous, partly because of the events in his past. One day, he found a note from Indigo saying that she left because she didn’t want to be involved with him anymore. Little did he know that it wasn’t true, and that Darkstalker has trapped her, and written that note himself. He thought that getting rid of Indigo would cause less stress for Fathom. Fathom was heartbroken, but later, when Clearsight and Fathom discovered all of his secret spells, they were able to free her, and Fathom used his magic one last time to enchant the bracelet that put Darkstalker to sleep. Indigo and Fathom later became mates.

Other important characters

Arctic- Arctic was the Prince of the IceWings before he ran away from his tribe with Foeslayer to the Night Kingdom. He loved her very much, but used too much of his power to escape the Ice Kingdom, and became bitter and cold and hated his son, Darkstalker, because his soul was deeply damaged.  

Foeslayer- Foeslayer was a young Nightwing that was brought along to a NightWing IceWing meeting, and ended up falling in love with Prince Arctic and so did he. They went back to the Night kingdom and brought Arctic with them and Foeslayer and him became mates, but because of Arctic’s bitterness, they got in many arguments and once, she flew off because of one and ever came back because she was captured by the IceWings.

Whiteout- Whiteout is Darkstalker’s odd sister. She talks weirdly, and thinks a lot differently than other dragons. She knows a lot more than anyone would think, and more than anyone else in general. She’s described by her brother as beautiful, as she looks just like she’s part IceWing as well as NightWing.

Indigo- Indigo is a rambunctious, playful, but protective over Fathom SeaWing, and eventually is Fathom’s mate. She saved his life and he saved hers. Darkstalker trapped her with his power to get rid of her so that Fathom would stop worrying about her, but once Fathom and Clearsight found his secret spells, they released her from her prison.

Listener- Listener was Clearsight’s best friend that wasn’t Darkstalker or Fathom, and they hung out a lot. They also went into their school when no one was there to release all of the scavengers from the classes.

Queen Vigilance- Queen Vigilance is the NightWing Queen, and she is very rude, demanding, and not too bright. Once she learned that Darkstalker might try to kill her in the future, she sent an assassin to kill him, but it didn’t work, as Darkstalker had made himself immortal. She didn’t realize that by doing this, she triggered Darkstalker’s reaction, and reason that he wanted to kill her.

Albatross- Albatross was the animus SeaWing brother to Queen Lagoon. Later, he went insane and turned evil, and he killed the Queen and half of the entire SeaWing tribe. He attempted to kill his animus nephew, Fathom, but, with the help of Indigo, he was the one that managed to defeat him.

Queen Diamond- Queen Diamond is the strict animus Queen of the IceWings who keeps trying to destroy the NightWings because of Arctic and Foeslayer’s relationship. She attempts to make deals with her son, Prince Arctic, to convince him to come back to the tribe. She’s evil and captures Darkstalker’s mother, Foeslayer, who is never to return.  


-Animus Dragons-

“Oh, it’s enchanted,” Lagoon said, with barely suppressed glee. “By one of my animus dragons.”

   If she’d been hoping this news would hit the SkyWings like lightning, she couldn’t have been more successful. Eagle and Sunset both froze and stared at her as if she’d cut off her own head in front of them.

  “Didn’t I mention I have those?” she said. “Well, I do. That’s probably an important thing to remember during negotiations tomorrow.”

   “You have animus dragons,” Sunset cried, “and you let them live?”

   “Whatever do you mean?” Queen Lagoon asked. “Of course I do. They’re extremely valuable.”

   The SkyWings glanced at one another. “We do not tolerate dangerous differences in the Sky Kingdom,” Eagle said firmly.  

   Sunset leaned towards Lagoon, her amber eyes fierce.

“Doesn’t your tribe know the legends? How using their magic eats away at their soul?”

   “Well, in order for that to work,” said a voice from behind her, “you’d probably have to have a soul of your own to begin with.”

    From this excerpt, we can see the urgency of the SkyWings worries about animus dragons, and can begin to imagine how dangerous they actually are. Almost immediately after this excerpt, the event called the Royal Seawing Massacre follows- an event where the animus Seawing brother to the queen, Albatross, murders half of the Seawing tribe, due to too much use of his animus power. Animus dragons are dragons with powerful magic over physical objects and living things- even other dragons. The only thing that they can’t do with their magic is bring dragons back from the dead. SeaWings, SkyWings, NightWings, SandWings, and IceWings have all been confirmed to have had animus dragons before. However, with all of this power comes a price- every time they use their magic, they lose a piece of their soul, and risk losing their mind and going completely insane.

Known Animus Dragons To Be Alive Before:


.Prince Fathom

.Queen Diamond

.Prince Arctic

.Princess Frostbite




.Princess Orca

.Prince Turtle

.Princess Anemone



-Literary Analysis Essay-

   “Well, there are lots of ways, and lots of reasons. Sometimes it’s because they’re sad or angry. Some dragons become bad when they have too much power… sometimes… sometimes they don’t know they’re bad guys. They think what they’re doing is the right thing.” – In the book, Darkstalker, Tui T. Sutherland reveals what really happened in shrouded mystery and legend of Darkstalker’s past- she shows us how easily power can corrupt, and what it took for the character, Darkstalker, to slowly succumb into the temptations of evil and power. Power’s effects can vary from person to person(or in this case dragons), but eventually for most, it will corrupt them, and they will fall into its temptations. They will abuse it- especially if it there are no limits.

   Darkstalker is a NightWing IceWing hybrid, and is an animus. His power doesn’t stop there though- he’s also a mind reader and a seer. He’s very clever, and easily can find ways to get away with what he wants. His mate, Clearsight, is a very gifted seer- she can see all of the possible paths in the future that can be taken. She knows what can happen to Darkstalker, so she tries to prevent it so that they can live in the futures where he doesn’t turn evil. His best friend is Fathom, a SeaWing animus. Fathom is very nervous about his magic, and swore not to use it again after the Royal SeaWing Massacre. Darkstalker, being his clever self, created a scroll and put all of his animus magic into it, preserving his soul so that it couldn’t be damaged anymore than it already had been. “I took all my animus power and I put it in here. It’s not in me anymore. Now it’s like I’m not an animus at all, so my soul is safe.” He did this to reassure Clearsight, and also enchanted many other trinkets for her to keep her safe or comfortable. But after he did this, he had nothing to hold him back. He wasn’t limited with his power. Darkstalker was a mainly good guy- until his power corrupted him.

   Some of Darkstalker’s enchantments he kept a secret from Clearsight. He knew that she wouldn’t like them. He knew that they would worry Clearsight and that he went too far with them, although he didn’t feel like he was really doing anything wrong. Just like Fathom said to his dragonets, explaining to them how a dragon can become evil on page 363-364, “Well, there are lots of ways, and lots of reasons. Sometimes it’s because they’re sad or angry. Some dragons become bad when they have too much power… sometimes… sometimes they don’t know they’re bad guys. They think what they’re doing is the right thing.”

   This is how Darkstalker was. He didn’t think he was doing anything wrong once he fell into the temptations of using his power to do whatever he wanted. He decided to make his scales invulnerable- and later, he made himself immortal. His thoughts and the spells he used are easy evidence that shows how far he’d fallen into the temptations of his power. “Could he enchant his actual scales? Why not?” ‘Enchant Darkstalker’s scales to be invulnerable to harm of any sort, to heal instantly if injured, and to shield him indestructibly from any threat of death.’ If I can enchant my entire body like that… what could I do to other dragons?’ These are the thoughts of Darkstalker from pages 213-215, thoughts that are very dark and show how he thinks about what he does with his magic. Another enchantment that he hid from Clearsight was one on some moonstone earrings that he gave to her. He promised her that there was no enchantment on them, but that was a lie. He had enchanted the earrings to push back her dark visions so that she couldn’t see what he would become, and to make her not worry as much. “That was such a little spell. I just wanted to keep you focused on the happy futures, like we talked about. I knew you couldn’t do it on your own, no matter how much you promised me you would. So the earrings faded back all the dark paths, that’s all. I was only trying to make you happier Clearsight.” This quote shows his feelings about his actions. He really didn’t feel like he was doing anything wrong.

   “But if he’s not worried about his soul, does that mean that there’s nothing to hold him back?” This is a quote from Clearsight, from page 255. The answer to her question is yes. Due to him not having any limits on his power, eventually, he goes even further than he already did with his magic. He enchants his IceWing animus father, Arctic, to slice his own stomach open and bleed to death in front of the entire NightWing tribe. ‘Enchant Arctic the Icewing to obey my every command.’ After this, Fathom and Clearsight finally decided to do something, and put Darkstalker to sleep in a mountain with an enchantment made by Fathom.

  Some people may argue that the effect of power doesn’t necessarily make someone corrupt- even Darkstalker because he didn’t believe that he was really doing anything wrong, and he thought that he could make Clearsight happy by what he was doing.  Fathom’s animus power didn’t effect him that way. Fathom didn’t become evil or power-hungry. Even some of the paths that Clearsight saw in the future were brighter, where Darkstalker didn’t become consumed by his power. Well, even if Darkstalker didn’t feel as if he was doing anything wrong, he still knew that he was, and proves that by trying to hide spells from Clearsight. Even if some of his actions were for revenge, he still knew that it was wrong. He didn’t care. He was too consumed by his power, as there were no limits to stop him from doing whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. And it really depends on the dragon with the power. Fathom went through an event called the Royal SeaWing Massacre, where his uncle, Albatross, became evil and murderous and killed half of his entire tribe. Albatross also attempted to kill Fathom and his future mate. After this, Fathom swore never to use his magic again, and was paranoid about his abilities for the rest of his life. A dragon that went through this obviously wasn’t going to be affected the same way as Darkstalker. Clearsight’s visions of a brighter future did not prove anything, as there were very few of them. A lot of changes would have to have been made in the past for Darkstalker’s transformation to evil to be prevented. Darkstalker was always destined to be that way- the other paths just existed to make Clearsight hopeful and make the story turn out the way it did. No matter what she did to try and prevent the dark paths from happening, they always prevailed. There was nothing she could do, just like she said on page 354, “Or maybe it’s just a part of you, something you hatched with. Maybe that’s what you really got from your father, along with your magic. Maybe you were always going to turn out this way, no matter how I tried to save you.”

   You see, the effects of power on a person(or a dragon) always has a high possibility of corrupting or consuming them, and they could become obsessed with it- abusing it and not setting limits for themselves. Of course, it really depends on the type of person, but this could still happen to anyone with the chance to have power. No matter what possibilities lie ahead, the dark ones usually win over. Darkstalker is a great example of this, and this is a big theme in the story. Power can easily corrupt. –

“He was the most powerful dragon in Pyrrhia. He should act like it.”


The first big event that happened in this book is in the prologue- when Darkstalker’s parents meet. Prince Arctic the IceWing is called to come to an important meeting between the IceWings and NightWings. Outside of where the meeting is being held, he meets a young NightWing that he takes a liking to quickly. Her name is Foeslayer. Foeslayer is a rambunctious, rebellious, fun dragon that completely catches Arctic off guard, and they both quickly liked each other. Arctic enchanted an earring with his magic, although he wasn’t supposed to use his magic at all until the IceWing gifting ceremony, that would protect Foeslayer from the cold and any harm. This meeting is very important because it is the first step to Darkstalker’s birth.

    One of the most important events in this entire book is the Royal SeaWing Massacre. This event is known all throughout Pyrrhia, even two thousand years from when it took place. It started when the SeaWings were having a meeting with SkyWings, and then the queen, Queen Lagoon, brought up the fact that she had animus dragons. The SkyWings got immediately worried because they knew the legends of animus dragons losing their soul when they used too much of their magic. Then, Albatross, the queens animus brother, emerged out of the shadow. After talking for a moment with Lagoon, he quickly slit her throat with a knife, and she died. Then he started murdering any other dragon in sight, and Fathom and Indigo hid. He was after Fathom, who was albatrosses animus nephew. When Albatross found them, Indigo attacked him, buying Fathom just enough time to enchant spears to kill him. This resulted in Indigo being hurt too, and she almost died, but Fathom saved  her life by enchanting her pearl necklace to heal her. Albatross had killed almost half the SeaWing tribe, and one of the SkyWings. Fathom and Indigo lied and told the tribe that Indigo killed Albatross to protect Fathom. This event is very important to the story, and even the other books in the series.

   Darkstalker and Clearsight finally meeting was obviously a very important event and part of the story. They had seen each other in their visions before, and meeting up finally was a big part of their lives. They both loved each other a lot, and tried to protect each other. But eventually, Clearsight couldn’t do anything about Darkstalker turning evil.

When Darkstalker made his scroll, it was also very important. Darkstalker put all of his animus magic into the scroll to preserve his soul, and prevent himself from losing pieces of it. He did this so that he could have unlimited power and to reassure Clearsight that he wasn’t going to turn evil. All he had to do was write his enchantment down onto the scroll to enchant something.

Foeslayer, Darkstalker’s mother, was kidnapped by the IceWings after she and Arctic got into an argument and she ran off, taking off her protection earring and leaving it behind. When Darkstalker found out, he blamed Arctic for it, and wanted revenge on him for letting his mother run off and get captured by the IceWings.

When Darkstalker enchanted his father, Arctic, to obey his every command, it was a big part of the story. He took revenge on his father and made him say things in front of the whole NightWing tribe, and then forced him to cut out his own tongue, and then slice open his stomach and bleed to death in front of the entire tribe. This is one of the major turning points for Darkstalker.

Fathom decides to use his magic one last time to enchant a bracelet that whoever wears it will be put to sleep until it is taken off. Clearsight and Fathom plan this idea to stop Darkstalker once and for all. They were both devastated that they had to do this to him, but they had no other choice. He was tricked into putting the bracelet on and fell asleep in a mountain for over two thousand years… until the bracelet snapped and he awoke.


-Darkstalker’s Spells-

(There are still many more not mentioned in the book)

Bold- Darkstalker’s spells in invisible ink


Enchant this inkwell to fly up, touch the ceiling once, and flyback into my talons without spilling a drop, then return to normal.


Enchant this bracelet to shield the wearer’s thoughts from any mind readers.


Enchant this blanket to keep any dragon it covers at the exact perfect temperature.


Enchant this history scroll to read itself aloud whenever a dragon says “Bore me to sleep!” and stop reading whenever someone says, “Spare me!”


Enchant this plate to keep prey warm for Foeslayer when she’s late to dinner.  


Enchant this set of paints to never run dry and never run out.


Enchant this bell to ring to let Darkstlaker know whenever Fathom is feeling sad or lonely.


Enchant Darkstalker’s scales to be invulnerable to harm of any sort, to heal instantly if injured, and to shield him indestructibly from the threat of death.


Enchant this goblet so that the first time Fathom drinks from it, he will stop loving Indigo, forget about his oath, and decide to freely use his animus magic.


Enchant this pebble so that when it rolls into the same room as Indigo the SeaWing, she shall be instantly trapped inside the small wooden carving of a dragon made for me by Fathom.


Enchant this piece of paper to look like a note written in Indigo’s handwriting, with a short, believable message saying she’s leaving him and not coming back.


Enchant these crystals to able the dragon in possession of them to enter other dragons that they’ve seen before’s dreams while they’re sleeping.


Enchant this scroll to send Darkstalker a mental twinge whenever someone else besides him uses it.


Enchant this shield to become an invisible shield around the entire NightWing kingdom, and to kill any IceWing who approaches the NightWing kingdom, aside from Darkstalker, Whiteout, and Arctic.


Enchant this dagger to fly into the Kingdom of Sand and kill one IceWing every full moon, in secret, under cover of darkness – and keep doing so for one year, or until I summon it back. Enchant it to leave messages carved near the body, warning that Darkstalker is coming for all of them and soon they will all be dead.


Enchant this weapon to shoot fire ten times as fire as any dragon can breathe it.


Enchant Darkstalker to be completely immortal.


Enchant these moonstone earrings to keep any dragon wearing them focused only on the brightest, happiest futures, hiding anything truly bad that might happen up ahead.


Enchant this paper to show me where Foeslayer is right now.


Enchant this armband to protect F-


Enchant this parchment to reveal the name of the dragon who hired Quickdeath to kill me tonight.


Enchant this dagger to lead us to Arctic and Whiteout, then stab Arcic once in the foot, injuring him enough that he had to stop, but not so badly that he bleeds to death. Above all else, stop him from crossing the Great Ice Cliff.


Enchant this beetle to find Prince Arctic as fast as possible and take off his shielding earring.


Enchant Arctic the IceWing to obey my every command.




“I’m nothing like my father. I don’t need saving. I can choose my own future, and I like the one I see, and you’re going to learn to like it too. Where is my scroll?

– Darkstalker (to Clearsight before he went into his 2000 year sleep Pg 354 )


“Cut out your tongue.” – Darkstalker(to Arctic Pg 333)


“Now, take your talons, rip open your stomach, and show us all what you’re really like on the inside. Pour out your life on this stage.” – Darktstalker(to Arctic commanding him to kill himself Pg 333)


“That was such a little spell. I just wanted to keep you focused on the happy futures, like we talked about. I knew you couldn’t do it on your own, no matter how much you promised me you would. So the earrings faded back all the dark paths, that’s all. I was only trying to make you happier Clearsight.”

– Darkstalker(to Clearsight about the enchantment on her moonstone earrings Pg 311)


“I took all my animus power and I put it in here. It’s not in me anymore. Now it’s like I’m not an animus at all, so my soul is safe.” – Darkstalker(to Clearsight Pg 140)


“Shouldn’t we all be like, wow, great idea Darkstalker, we’re so glad you’re alive, now let’s us get on with hunting down the actual bad dragon in this situation?”

– Darkstalker(After opening up about his invulnerability Pg 290)


This is my mother. Those are my full moons. This is my world now.”

– Darkstalker(Thought when he hatched Pg 17)


If I can enchant my entire body like that… what could I do to other dragons?” – Darkstalker(thought to himself Pg 215 )


Yes. Fear me. Respect me. See me.” – Darktalker(thought to himself about the entire NightWing tribe Pg 333)


But if he’s not worried about his soul, does that mean that there’s nothing to hold him back?” – Clearsight(thought to herself about Darkstalker Pg 255)


“If I miss a day here or give the wrong answer here or share my scroll with this helpless dragon here, the entire tribe might die.” – Clearsight(talking about her timeline scrolls Pg 43)


Beware your two queens. Beware your own power. Your claws will betray you in your final hour.” – Clearsight(Prophecy to Arctic Pg 151)


“Or maybe it’s just a part of you, something you hatched with. Maybe that’s what you really got from your father, along with your magic. Maybe you were always going to turn out this way, no matter how I tried to save you.” – Clearsight(to Darkstalker before he goes into his 2000 year sleep Pg 354)


“I looked…? Into the future?” – Clearsight(explaining how she found the seer class Pg 83)


“I mean… there are dragons that do bad things. But maybe that doesn’t make them all bad. Maybe they can also do do things. Maybe some of those bad things are just mistakes.” – Fathom(to his dragonets about evil dragons Pg 364)


“Well, there are lots of ways, and lots of reasons. Sometimes it’s because they’re sad or angry. Some dragons become bad when they have too much power… sometimes… sometimes they don’t know they’re bad guys. They think what they’re doing is the right thing.” – Fathom(to his dragonets about evil dragons Pg 363-364)


“Spears! Kill my grandfather!” – Fathom(his enchantment to kill Albatross Pg 94)


“Hello, that was supposed to be a graceful dolphin.” – Fathom(to Indigo Pg 36)


“Do you think it’s true that animus dragons lose their souls? Is that why he’s doing this?” – Fathom(to Indigo during the Royal SeaWing Massacre. Pg 91)


“Clearsight just flew off with the bracelet and he’s meeting her and hopefully she can use it on him, and it’s possible that she won’t be able to, and then he’ll be really mad, and then he might come back and… you know, destroy the world after all.” – Fathom(to Indigo Pg 350)


“Shush. Fathom, listen. Our choices are what make us good or evil-what we do, how we help or hurt the world. You make the world a better place by being in it. With or without your magic, that’s always been true.” -Indigo(to Fathom Pg 349)


“Using your magic doesn’t make you evil, Fathom. Doing evil things makes you evil! Have you done anything evil lately?” – Indigo(to Fathom Pg 349)


“He’s too dangerous… he’s already trying to mess with your head, can’t you tell? This isn’t safe, Fathom. I should kill him right now to protect everyone.”

– Indigo(to Fathom Pg 185-186)


“I look like a squid pretending to be a seahorse.” – Indigo(Pg 60)


“You didn’t just eat it! You were smug about about it! You totally deserved to be dumped in the koi pond!” – Indigo(Pg 361)


“He’s clearly a Blob. Aren’t you Blob?” – Indigo(to Blob Pg 37)


“It’s true. He’s really never coming back. You did the right thing, Fathom. You saved Pyrrhia from him forever. It’s safe to be happy.” – Indigo(to Fathom Pg 365)


“Stop smushing each other into the sand and I’ll tell you a story.” – Indigo(to her dragonets while they’re fighting Pg 361)


“I do wish I had been a better father. If I were, I would have strangled you the moment you hatched.” – Arctic(to Darkstalker, his last words 333)


“The tribe has strict rules. We’re only allowed to use our powers once in a lifetime.” – Arctic(to Foeslayer Prologue)


Imagine disobeying an order – any order. Where would I even start?” – Arctic(to himself, when Foeslayer mentions not following orders Prologue)


“Sorry! I just needed to be outside for a moment. Look at that sunset! Great kingdoms, it’s freezing out here! I might literally die! But obviously I cna’t go back inside and miss this sunset. I can handle a little cold, right? If I just… keep… moving…” – Foeslayer(Prologue)


“Seriously the worst! That poor dragon! I am completely telling her not to marry you. I pity whoever gets tricked into that. You’ll be like, ‘Happy fortieth anniversary… what’s your name again?’ And she’ll be all, ‘It’s our FIFTIETH, you slime weasel, and my name is you’re sleeping on an iceberg tonight.’”

– Foeslayer(to Arctic Prologue)


“That’s not me! I’m under strict orders not to do any damage or break any ice palaces or corrupt any IceWings or change any lives. Then again, I’m pretty sure I’ve never followed an order in my life, so… you know, watch your back, ice palaces.” – Foeslayer(to Arctic Prologue)


“Oh, I thought the marbles represented chaos theory and I was just another unpredictable whim of the universe. I did not intend to disrupt your faith in controllable outcomes.” – Whiteout(Pg 105)


“It’s too late. The sand is falling.” – Whiteout(Pg 321) n


“Grandson. Hiding like a nervous hermit crab. Interesting choice. One I should’ve expected, though, with such a little dragonet with such a little imagination. You may be wondering why you’re alive. Especially when your entire family is dead.”

– Albatross(to Fathom Pg 93)


“Well in order for that to work, you’d probably have to have a soul of your own to begin with.” – Albatross(Pg 68)




  • Wings of Fire – Legends – Darkstalker, by Tui T. Sutherland


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